The SHNL gardens will be divided into sections:
Plant America Hillside Garden, Front Entrance, Kier Garden, Right Front Garden. Book Drop Garden and Brick Planters/Side Beds and Herb Garden.
Volunteers for each section will establish their own maintenance schedule.
SGC Executive Committee Meeting
Held at the SNH Library at 1:00 pm:
February 5, 2025
May 6, 2025
October 7, 2025
November 11, 2025
**Pre-registration is required for all field trips. Please call Leslie for reservations and information 412-486-1885.
March 13 - Maple Syrup Tap at the Latodami Nature Center, North Park at 1:00 PM. Cost is $5.00 paid in advance. Optional coffee/dessert at Panera McCandless Crossing (at your own expense)
May 8- Michael Brothers Nursery, 47 Michael Road, Cheswick PA at 11:00 AM. (Cost: Free) Optional lunch at Brick & Barrel Cross Keys 599 Dorseyville Rd. Pgh., PA 15238 (at your own expense)
September 9- Rachel Carson Homestead 613 Marion Ave., Springdale, PA 15144 at 11:00 AM. (Cost: $20.00) Optional lunch at Ladles 516 Pgh. St., Springdale, PA (at your own expense)
Date TBD: Owl Prowl Night Hike, Latodami Nature Center, North Park.
February 15-17 – Mini Golf Fundraiser benefiting the SNH Library 10:00 AM-4:00
PM (Purchase tickets at the SNH Library)
March 14-- Floral Hoop Wreath Workshop at SNH Library, 6:00-8:00 PM. Cost:
$40.00 (Open to the public- reservations required- Limit 40 participants!)
March 27 -- District IX Members Day Out at Camelot Event Center 250
Swinderman Rd. Wexford, PA at 11:00 AM with Lunch Buffet. Speaker: Jeff Double, “All
About Reclaimed”. (Reservations required)
April 6-8 -- Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania Annual Convention, The Alloy Hotel,
King of Prussia, PA “A Gardening Revolution” (Reservations required)
April 10- Rock Painting Workshop. Instructor Kathy Barkovich. 1:00PM at the SNH Library
(Members only) Cost: $5.00
April 22—Earth Day
April 25—Arbor Day
May 3 -- Shaler Garden Club Plant Sale-Perennials, annuals, herbs, Mother’s Day Baskets,
Auction Baskets, Tool Sharpening, and Bake Sale, Kiwanis Park from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon.
May 20 -- New Member Tea, hosted by Mary Jo Clayton 2492 Matterhorn Drive, Wexford,
PA 15090. Time: 1:00 PM
June 1-7 -- National Garden Week.
June 11- National Garden Week Event- Children Create Container Gardens at the SNH
Library 10:00 AM (For pre-school children and their parents)
June 13 -- Fairy Garden Workshop at Shaler North Hills Library 6:00- 8:00 PM.
June 16-22-- National Pollinator Week-information will be available from the Pollinator
Advocacy Committee
June 18 – Pollinator Week Event “Fireflies: You Glo Guys” Speaker: Nelson Milano,
Entomologist at the Audubon Society. SNH Library at 6:30 PM (Open to the Public)
July 13 -- Annual Shaler Garden Tour, Sunday 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Purchase
tickets at SNH Library
July 23 – Floral Embellished Picture Frame Workshop, Hampton Fields Village, 4480
Mt. Royal Blvd., Allison Park, PA 15101 from 2:00-4:00 PM (Members Only)
September 4-- District IX Annual Meeting “Through the Garden Gate" hosted by the
Shaler Garden Club at Wildwood Golf Club 2195 Sample Road, Allison Park, PA
(Reservations required)
October 14- Member Workshop: CPR Training, provided by Shaler Hampton EMS. 1:00 PM
at the SNH Library. (Members Only) (Cost: TBD)
December 5 -- Holiday Wreath Workshop at SNH Library, 6:30 PM (Reservations
February 25 --Organizational meeting at SNH Library at 1:00 PM.
March 25 -- Organizational meeting and preview of 2025 plant sale & coming events.12:00
Noon at Glenshaw Presbyterian Church, 300 Glenn Ave., Glenshaw, PA 15116.
April 22 -- “Celebrating Shaler Township’s 125th Anniversary.” Speaker: Judy Kording, Shaler
Twp. Asst.Manager. 12:00 Noon at Glenshaw Presbyterian Church, 300 Glenn Ave.,
Glenshaw, PA 15116.
May 27 --“Citizen Science: Monitoring Wild Bees of PA.” Speaker: Stephanie Szakal, Master
Gardener. 12:00 Noon at Glenshaw Presbyterian Church, 300 Glenn Ave., Glenshaw, PA
June 24 -- “Annual Solstice Supper and Garden Party.” 6:00 PM at the home of Elaine
Liberati 3307 Windstream Drive, Gibsonia, PA 15044. Members, whose names begin
with L-Z, please bring an appetizer, side dish, salad, or dessert to share. Consider
bringing a floral arrangement to dress up Elaine’s tables. (Members Only)
July 22 -- “Plants Warn: Stay Away!” Speaker: Pat Milliken, Certified PA Master Naturalist. -
Meeting at SNH Library at 6:00 PM. Winners announced for the Great Gardens Contest at
6:30 PM followed by the Program at 7:00 PM. (Open to the public)
August 26 --“Let’s Talk About Birds”. Speaker Bob Mulvihill, National Aviary Ornithologist.
Meeting at SNH Library at 6:00 PM. Program at 6:30 PM. (Open to the Public)
September 23 --“Poisonous Plants” Speaker: Dianne Machesney, Master Gardener.
12:00 Noon at Glenshaw Presbyterian Church, 300 Glenn Ave., Glenshaw, PA 15116
October 28 -- “Etna Watershed Project.” Speaker: Mary Ellen Ramage, Etna Boro Mgr.
12:00 Noon at Glenshaw Presbyterian Church, 300 Glenn Ave., Glenshaw, PA 15116.
December 2 -- "Annual Christmas Party". 12:00 Noon at Glenshaw Presbyterian Church,
300 Glenn Ave. Glenshaw, PA 15116. Members, whose names begin with A-K, please
bring an appetizer, covered dish, or dessert of your choosing. (Members Only)